Aerial view of Utrecht Lunetten
The BOL is considering its future. To give shape to this, the BOL Working-group Future - Werkgroep Toekomst - was established, consisting of residents Marije Okhuijsen, Simone Paauw, Ewold Gussenhoven and Pieter van der Zouwen.
Among other things, this working group is working on a door-to-door neighborhood survey that is planned after the summer.
Aerial view of Utrecht Lunetten
We already organized an Information brunch. On Sunday 25 June from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Stadsboerderij Koppelsteede. More than 20 people have already turned up.
We organized a meeting with Workshops. On Thursday 29 August 2023 at De Musketon, Hondsrug 19, Utrecht Lunetten.
We want to recruit new volunteers to shape and realize the future plans of the BOL together. We would like to discuss this with you and with other potential new volunteers.
All residents of Lunetten who are interested in being active for Lunetten can send an email. Also people who are involved in Lunetten in a different way.
We will then keep you informed of future activities.
Luchtfoto Utrecht Lunetten